Here’s what you need to know before installing firefighting equipment at work
Why do we need firefighting equipment at the workplace? Ensuring that employees have the proper training to operate it safely is important. If you do not, you could endanger the lives of your employees. The following are why you should buy this equipment from fire fighting equipment suppliers in dubai. They should be well-maintained, properly installed, and easy to use. These items should also be located near exits and emergency exits in case of fire.
Create a safety culture that promotes fire safety
As an employer, you must have a fire safety culture in your workplace. Fire safety is an ongoing process that involves several steps and activities. These steps include making sure everyone understands their responsibilities and the equipment they are responsible for. A well-maintained safety culture helps promote open and honest communication with employees. This also makes it easier for employees to approach management with any safety concerns.
Properly install and maintain fire extinguishers.
Ensure that fire extinguisher are installed and maintained at the workplace. Failing to do so could result in a fire that has already spread, so it’s important to ensure that they are in good condition. Performing this maintenance is mandatory, and failing to do so could lead to costly code violations. The following are some tips to ensure that you have fire extinguishers in your workplace.
Place fire extinguishers in a wall cabinet.
Place fire extinguishers in a wall cabinet, and secure them to the wall using appropriate mounting brackets. Keep the handles of portable fire extinguishers at least three feet off the floor. If the extinguisher is kept in a rack, ensure it is placed near a work area where employees will easily find them. Keep the fire extinguisher in a convenient location, such as a storage rack.
Evacuate quickly in case of a fire
It would help if you had an evacuation plan for your workplace. It should include a meeting point and chain of command. If possible, schedule practice times so that everyone involved knows what to do and how to work together. The sooner you have a fire, the quicker you can get out. Then, you can practice your plan with your team. This way, you’ll be sure to avoid the last-minute rush.